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Join us for upcoming events, celebrate yearly traditions, and explore highlights from past gatherings.

Upcoming Events


We would love to see you at our next event! Subscribe to our e-newsletter to learn about upcoming events, news, and how you can support women in law enforcement.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Annual Events

International Association of Women Police (IAWP)

"The International Association of Women Police (IAWP) is a global organization for women police officers and women in other criminal justice roles. Our mission is to strengthen, unite and raise the capacity of women police around the world.

We represent the interests of policewomen internationally. Our aim is to see a world where police reflect the diversity of the communities they serve and where human rights are protected.

We are committed to providing female police officers with a range of resources, networking opportunities and organization, helping promote women in law enforcement, corrections and other criminal justice professions."

Women's History Month Celebration

CAWLE’s Annual Women’s History Month Celebration is an evening dedicated to honoring the strength, dedication, and achievements of women in law enforcement and beyond. This event brings together officers, community leaders, and supporters to recognize outstanding women in Leadership, Bravery, Resilience, Military, and Community Service. The night also highlights the CAWLE Member of the Year and awards a scholarship to a 2024 police academy graduate, celebrating the future of women in policing. Through heartfelt tributes, shared stories, and a sense of camaraderie, the event creates an atmosphere of inspiration and appreciation for those who have made a lasting impact.

Past Events

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